Error codes

# Error Code Description
1. InvalidFieldError
Invalid data in request
2. CardError ACI or Mipay error on auth of card, or any kind of issue with card
3. MerchantError Error on merchant external/provider config
4. AuthorizationError Error on authirization of user on any level (Paymaxx or Provider)
5. InvalidDataError Invalid data in request
6. InvalidAmountError Amount related problems (Summary, provider limit etc.)
7. AccountError Error on user related internal merchant account config
8. FraudError Fraud related error from fraud check engine or Provider.
9. 3DSecureError 3DS related errors
10. PaymentError Payment provider related errors
11. ValidationError Validation error in request
12. CancelError Payment/Token cancel
13. RefusedError Payment/Token refused/Denied
14. RefundError Refund/reversal/chargeback related error
15. CaptureError Error on capturing funds
16. TokenError Error on authirization of user on any level (Paymaxx or PRovider)
17. InternalError Internal error
18. MappingError Unknown error from the provider